

69 Uppsatser om Regenerated cellulose - Sida 1 av 5

BAMBUVISKOS ? En hållbar fiber för framtiden?

Naturskyddsföreningen gav författarna uppgiften att undersöka förekommande viskosprocesser och alternativa regenereringsprocesser, detta för att identifiera hur hållbara de är ur ett miljöperspektiv och vilka processer som går att applicera på bambu. Detta för att se möjligheten att märka bambuviskos med Bra Miljöval och för att klargöra frekvent uppkommande frågor angående bambuviskos. Syftet är att se på de olika processernas kemiska innehåll samt vilka utsläpp de orsakar till luft och vatten. Ett delmål med rapporten är att den ska kunna användas som material vid vidareutveckling av kriterierna för Bra Miljöval Textil. Resultat som erhållits vid jämförelser av studerad litteratur är att de betydande faktorerna för miljöpåverkan från massaframställningen samt viskos- och lyocellprocessen beror av: använda kemikalier i processen, energianvändningen och vilken typ av energi, möjligheten till rening av utsläpp till luft och vatten samt återvinning av energi och kemikalier.

Enantioselektiv HPLC-analys med kirala stationärfaser bestående av makrocykliska glykopeptider och polysackarider

The purpose of this study was to evaluate enantioselective analytical methods by separation of the enantiomers of four drugs (citalopram, zopiclone, tramadol and methylphenidate) and their metabolites. The analyses were performed with HPLC-UV with columns whose stationary phases were based on macrocyclic glycopeptides (Chirobiotic V, V2 and T) and polysaccharides (Lux Cellulose-1, Cellulose-2 and Amylose-2).The Chirobiotic V column showed high selectivity for citalopram and its metabolites. High resolution was obtained using a mobile phase consisting of methanol, acetic acid and ammonia. High selectivity for the enantiomers of zopiclone and its metabolites were obtained on the Cellulose-2 column using a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and ammonium acetate buffer.The enantiomers of tramadol were separated with the Amylose-2 column. However, changes in the pressure arose, probably caused by the additive NH4HCO3.

Lokal konservering av bok med mögelskador Förstärkning med Klucel® G

The aim of this paper is to make a plan for local treatment with Klucel® G of a book with moulddamage. The biggest problem concerned handling the book without loosing fragments and tohandle pages that were stuck together. In some places as many as six pages where stuck togetherand it was not possible to separate them without loosing material or breaking them. The otherproblem concerned the use of waterbased adhesives that might cause tidelines and paperdistortions as seen in another volume. The use of Klucel® G dissolved in ethylalcohol functionedvery well as strengtheners and also as an adhesive for lamination.

Naturlig föryngring av lövskogar i Örebro län :

The Regional Forestry Board in Värmland- Örebro needs increased knowledge on silviculture in broad- leaved forests. This thesis is an inventory of naturally regenerated broad leaved forests, and the results from the inventory have been compared with The Regional Forestry Board?s demands on regeneration results. The result of this inventory was that the regenerated sites were suitable for broad leaved trees, but only half the number of the stands fulfilled the demands of regeneration results of The Regional Forestry Board, mainly because of gaps in the stands. The gaps in the stands were mainly caused by lack of soil preparation and seed trees..

Oljemåleri på papper med textilt bakstycke Fallstudie från Dingtuna kyrka i Västmanland

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorsprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2012:21.

Hur kopplad är asp till tidigare jordbruksmark? : en studie av aspförekomst och tidigare markanvändning i fem län i Mellansverige

Aspen (Populus tremula) is a tree that is important for biodiversity. It is a pioneer tree that is favored by much light. It is possible that aspens that regenerated on agricultural land have a different importance for biodiversity than aspens that regenerated in forests, since their conditions have been different. By studying how the land use have changed you can see how many of today?s aspens regeneretad on agricultural land.

Jämförelse mellan sådd och naturlig föryngring av tall i Härjedalen

The purpose of this study was to compare naturally regenerated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris (L.)) against seeded Scots pine in terms of benefits and differences. An inventory was performed at a number of different sites, 4 ? 6 years after soil scarification and data on the number of new established plants, their height growth as well as ground-line diameter was collected. Information about site conditions such as altitude, quarter exposure and frost risk was also collected. A review of previous studies was conducted in addition to the field study.

Miljöpåverkansbedömning vid tillverkning av etanol från cellulosabaserade råvaror : ekologisk gård självförsörjande med drivmedel

Fuel produced from renewable resources is of big interest. In this project the difference between a few different renewable materials are compared on the matter of environmental load when ethanol is produced. The renewable materials that are compared are Salix, straw and reed canary-grass (rörflen). The cellulose in the material is cut down to small pieces and then hydrolysed so that the sugar from the cellulose can be fermented into ethanol. Tha amount of ethanols that is studied in this work is the smount of ethanol needed to cultivate 1000 ha. The functional unit in the report is 1000 ha.

Fortsatt gran eller självföryngrad björk efter stormfällning? : en ekonomisk analys

The southern part of Sweden, Skåne, is frequently exposed to storms causing great damage to Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) stands. A storm during the winter 1999/2000 raised the attention of the problem. A lot of forest owners got large areas of spruce stands wind thrown during this storm. Can naturally regenerated birch (Betula sp.) be an alternative on these wind-exposed sites? This was the main question I was facing when discussilig the problems with Esben Möller Madsen, Söderåsens forest district. The aim of this master thesis was to present an economic analysis of Norway spruce versus birch.

Vätning på mikroskala

Individual cellulose ?bers were studied to identify the transport and absorbtion phenomena as well as the in?uence of drying. A Chalmers University of Technologydeveloped method within ESEM (Enviromental Scanning Electron Microscope) has been used in this study. The results from the laborations gave the following conclu-sions: The transport of water occurs in ?bers in the ?ber wall surface and the lumen.

Syntes av hydroxyapatit/ nanocellulosa kompositer

Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) are great candidates for composite materials. The reasons why CNCs are such attractive materials for them are due to their great mechanical properties, high aspect ratio and low density. On the other hand, hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a kind of calcium phosphate and a main component of bones and teeth. The purpose of the present study is to make oriented nano-sized composites with CNC and HAp. Although some researchers carried out to make CNC composites with HAp for biomedical materials, nano-sized and oriented ones haven?t been achieved yet.

Återvinning av textil

Syftet med rapporten var att studera möjliga återvinningstekniker för Ragn-Sells. För detta användes litteratursökning och intervjuer. Återvinningstekniker som studerats är mekanisk bearbetning, mekanisk återvinning, kemisk återvinning och viskostillverkning. Flera underklasser till dessa metoder studerades också, liksom flera sätt att tillverka återvunna produkter. Rapporten nämner ett urval av återvinningstekniker och försöker inte nämna alla tillgängliga återvinningstekniker.Återvinningsteknikerna har sorterats enligt prioriteringen i EU:s återvinningsdirektiv (2008/98/EG).

The effects of mother trees and site conditions on the distribution of natural regeneration establishment in a Bornean rainforest disturbed by logging and fire

In the tropics, logging and wild fire can result in degraded secondary forests with lower biodiversity than in the natural forest. One way to limit forest degradation is to rehabilitate the present large areas of secondary forests. However, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the ecology of tropical tree species and further studies would be advantageous for future rehabilitation efforts of degraded rainforest. The objective of this study was to investigate how mother trees in secondary forest and different site factors affect the abundance and spatial distribution of natural regeneration of non-pioneer tree species in a tropical rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia. The study took place in the INIKEA Forest Rehabilitation Project area, which suffered from wild fire in 1983 and has been selectively logged over both before and after the fire. Natural regeneration and site variables were inventoried in plots, while mother trees were inventoried in the whole survey area.

Träbroar för järnvägstrafik

This report is a study in voltagelevel in connection with regeneration of brake energy from the tramtype M31 in Gothenburg.In the act of braking, the tram M31 uses electrical braking where the electrical motors generates energy and if possible send it back to the overheadline, where other trams in the nearby can use this regenerated energy for its own driving force. In cases where no other energyconsumers are located in the same section, there is a resistance witch task is to convert this energy into heat. The regulation of this resistance appears to cause an increase in the voltagelevel into far too high levels.Investigations of the trams regulationequipment and its construction have been done. Further have measurements on the overheadline been performed in order to map the voltagevariations during a longer period of time.The result have been showing that the voltagelevel during regeneration often is as high as 880V-920V, more extreme values have not been observed in a large scale. The values are especially high compared to the nominal voltagelevel.

Prefabricerade ramper i stålfiberbetong

This report is a study in voltagelevel in connection with regeneration of brake energy from the tramtype M31 in Gothenburg.In the act of braking, the tram M31 uses electrical braking where the electrical motors generates energy and if possible send it back to the overheadline, where other trams in the nearby can use this regenerated energy for its own driving force. In cases where no other energyconsumers are located in the same section, there is a resistance witch task is to convert this energy into heat. The regulation of this resistance appears to cause an increase in the voltagelevel into far too high levels.Investigations of the trams regulationequipment and its construction have been done. Further have measurements on the overheadline been performed in order to map the voltagevariations during a longer period of time.The result have been showing that the voltagelevel during regeneration often is as high as 880V-920V, more extreme values have not been observed in a large scale. The values are especially high compared to the nominal voltagelevel.

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